Student Life » Link Crew » Link Crew

Link Crew

Link Crew Coordinator: Mrs. Ortega, College Counselor
More info about Link Crew here:
We take great pride in being affiliated with the Link Crew program—a high school transition program that increases freshmen' success. Members of the junior and senior classes are trained to be Link Leaders who act as positive role models, motivators, mentors, and teachers who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school. Our freshmen transition begins at orientation by welcoming the students to the school through a series of assemblies and small group sessions led by our trained Link Crew Leaders. As freshmen' success increases, the benefits to our school culture and climate become apparent. Our freshmen demonstrate a greater connection to our school, increased extracurricular participation, fewer discipline issues, and greater pride and spirit.
Link Crew is also a leadership training program that empowers 11th and 12th graders as role models. The juniors and seniors who participate are trained in team building, cooperative skill development, and discussion skills.